Articles on: Billing & Orders

Requesting a refund, cancelling order, or receiving money back.

Our refund policy can be found here on section "J" of our terms of service:

How to request a cancellation?

Navigate to your service list
Click on the service you want to cancel.
Click the "cancel" button to request a cancellation.

How to request a refund?

Please do not contact our live support to request a refund. They will not be able to assist you. Please use our self-service system to request a refund.

Navigate to your service list
Click on the service you want to cancel for a refund.
Click the "cancel" button to request a cancellation.
Click the "refund" or "courtesy refund" button. Button may be on the top of the page or on the left sidebar.

Do not see the button? This means you do not qualify for a refund. In this case please understand that your service will cancel on the end of the term.

Updated on: 14/06/2019

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