Articles on: Billing & Orders

Pending/Cancelled Orders that are "Awaiting Manual Review"

When you place an order that our automated system cannot accept, it may either be rejected or flagged for a human to review.

If your order is pending manual review, congratulations, as it has not been rejected completely by our system. If there's an invoice generated, even if the order is marked as "cancelled," please go ahead and pay for the invoice. Then, your order will be placed in our manual review queue.

An agent will review your order as soon as possible, and either approve, reject, or request more information.

A ticket has been generated that you may view in the ticket area, titled "Your order is pending manual review." Please do not reply to this ticket or open a chat about the matter. The queue is completely different from ticket & chat queues, so we will not be able to assist you. Only reply if our agent requests more information. The less we are contacted about manual reviews, the more quickly our team can accept them! Please check the ticket for more information, or read a copy of the ticket below:

We apologize, but your order's delivery may be delayed until a member of our team approves it, as it has been flagged for manual review by our system.
> What does this mean?
1) You should make your payment for this order if you have not. You can do so under Billing -> Invoices in the client area.
2) Due to the circumstances of this order rather than marking your order as fraud, the system has made an exception and has permitted you to place an order. As long as there are no issues with the order then your order will be manually approved.
3) This will be done as soon as possible, it is already in the queue as long as you have made a payment.
> Your order will be approved manually by an administrator or more information will be requested from you.
> Please do not reply to this ticket or create a new one - it may be closed without reply.

Updated on: 14/06/2019

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