Articles on: Technical Questions

I cannot connect to Windows Remote Desktop.

There are three common problems with RDP. Please read below to see if any of these situations fit your case, and if none do, feel free to contact our support for help.

1. Have you set a password on a new service?
All services with us need a password first set through the online VNC. Learn how to do that by[ clicking here](

2. Have you tried checking VNC?
Your service may be frozen or require change to firewall settings and/or running the network troubleshooter.

How to access VNC and fix firewall issue:
How to fix other issue: if you can access your Windows server via VNC, but not RDP, check the taskbar, on the bottom right corner, for the connection icon. Right click and click Troubleshoot for Windows to run automatic Network Diagnostic.

3. Are you using Microsoft's latest official RDP sofrware?
If you are on an older version of Windows, on a Mac, or mobile phone, it's possible there is a problem with the application on your computer. Please try using a different computer on the latest version of Windows. If it still does work, contact and let us know and we can double check for you.

Updated on: 14/06/2019

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